Three new sites added to the Better-Than-This-One roll to the right of your screen.
Steve Boyd is a professor of speech communication at Northern Kentucky University. Although I've never met Steve, his office is all of about 15 miles from where I sit staring blankly at my computer screen every morning. About a dozen times when I went looking for the academic term for a principle of communiciation I was trying to describe, his site came up. After it came up on back-to-back searches this week, I figured he was due for some link love.
Tough Sledding is the Web site of another academic named Bill Sledzik. He's a professor of public relations at Bowling Green State University. I know the good doctor through his work, namely one of his former students who is a colleague of mine. Plus, he has the sort of holistic approach to PR that warms my heart and infuriates my marketing friends. That makes me smile.
Romensko is, well, Romensko. Not sure why it wasn't there in the beginning, and not sure Jim really needs the link. Still, well worth a read and surely fits into the category.
In case you're wondering (and I am sure it is absolutely killing everybody) the links are simply in chronological order. Except for PRblog. I'm just trying to ruin his reputation.
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